The Rite and the Techinque (2012) - AutoproduzioneTracklist1. Body Hammer 2. Nuke 3. Sad Sundays 4. Sense of tragic 5. Betamax 6. Justice 7. Uranus 8. Willie 9. Mishima |
The Rite and The techinque is distributed autonomously by Starslugs in CDR format or digital download.
For the first (and physical) version of the work, price is 6€ + shipping costs.
For digital download price is 5€.
It can be purchased by contacting us via e-mail, so we can decide what payment form is the best for both customers and us.
The Rite and The Techinque è distribuito autonomamente dagli Starslugs, in formato CDR, al prezzo di 5€.
E' possibile acquistarlo contattandoci direttamente via mail o attraverso i distributori che dispongono della release (oltre che della nostra fiducia):
- Libreria UBIK, Via Adriatica 30, Roseto degli Abruzzi (Te) - tel.
Subhuman Cares (2009) - AutoproduzioneTracklist1. Sad Sundays 2. Body Hammer 3. Nuke 4. Snake Agent Theme 5. Willie 6. Sense of Tragic 7. Mishima 8. Justice |
FIST (2008) - AutoproduzioneTracklist1. Justice 2. Nuke 3. Sad Sundays 4. The Body Hammer 5. Willie |
Gestalt X (2007) - AutoproduzioneTracklist1. Moloch Molotov 2. Body Hammmer 3. Nuke 4. Justice |
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